Remember in "Rocky" when Mickey (Burgess Meredith) told Rocky to stay away from Adrian while training because sex weakens the legs? Well Tiger Woods is the latest example that abstinence equals peak performance in athletics (even though golfers are not really athletes). I could also throw Tim Tebow out there too as further proof, but apparently "saying no" does not make you throw the football like a man. Anyway, back to the World's Greatest Golfer, can we all agree he probably has not had sex since Thanksgiving? I think it is safe to assume Tiger is no longer allowed on Elin's "course" since the incident assuming he is even allowed in the house at this point (If Tiger wins the Masters Nike should market "blue golf balls").

Honestly, I have no idea if there is any relationship left between the two and neither does anyone else (outside of them and their lawyers) for that matter and that brings me to my big point here. None of us really knows anything about Tiger or his wife, which makes them no different than celebrity couples like Branjolina OR Sandra Bullock and Jesse James. We only get snippets of what they want to show us. So sorry, I'm not slurping up the new and improved Tiger bullshit that is being spread by the golf media at Augusta National.

On Thursday, golf analysts broke down his body language, his smile, interactions with the other golfers, and yes a little club tossing on the back 9. I'm not saying a Tiger can't change his stripes, but let's just give it some frickin' time please. Not that I care, but Tiger also was back to his short self with the golf media after the round of 68 and then of course there is the "Tacky" Nike Commercial with Earl speaking from the dead albeit out of context and the revelation that he slept with his 21 year old neighbor (is there any woman outside of Minnie Mouse he didn't sleep with in Orlando?). Everything outside of the club tossing, snippy stuff with the media, and latest mistress in the Tiger Slam was been planned by his agent and the rest of Team Tiger.

Anyway, in this "give it to me 5 seconds ago" world we live in, we want to know NOW. I get that, but something’s we can't make snap judgments on right away and this is one of them. It will take time for us to find out if Tiger is truly a new man or just trying to protect his sponsors and fan base. Does that make his accomplishments on the course any less impressive? Hell no if anything more impressive with all the stuff going on his personal life. Golf is clearly the only love in Tiger's life he has never cheated on. Can he save his marriage and his family? That is something won't be televised no matter how many shots TMZ gets of Elin without her wedding ring and the kids. Those things will be worked out by the two of them away from the cameras OR by their lawyers.

I find it amusing the same golf writers who were floored by the revelations of Tiger's infidelity now want to prop up Jack Nicklaus for NEVER straying from his family. Are we sure? Do we evidence he did? No on both accounts, so why even bring it up? Remember Charles Kuralt the highly respected CBS newsman that was always On The Road looking for great stories? Well it turns out one of the great stories on the road was a mistress he had, who ended in a messy courtroom battle with his family after his death. Not to mention recently with the Southern Gentlemen John Edwards, I mean really wake up America. How many more "role models" are going to burn us until we learn to stick to the facts? Great golfer...
end of story…because truthfully you never know the entire story.
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