Most of the news and sports talking heads are wasting their and our time debating whether the force was excessive in the tasering of a 17-year old (Steven Consalvi) that ran onto the field at a Phillies game this week
(OK IF I was actually working this week I too would be wasting the world's time on this topic...Bitter..YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT! THIS TOPIC WAS MADE FOR ME). Anyway, the bigger question is where were the players? I mean what is the deal with the Phillies Outfield? What a bunch of sissy's to sit back and watch! No Mike Curtis among them? The Former Baltimore Colts LB once jacked up a fan that ran on the field during a game. His point was it was his office! Stay out. Exactly! Good for the Police for using force maybe the next idiot will think twice OR maybe not because some drunk tried the next night no taser unfortunately. By the way give the Phillies Fans credit for booing the copycat who unfortunately was not tased b/c he surrendered to security (sissy!).

Of course the news media loves to pick up these stories and run them into the ground. Why are Police using tasers more often, blah, blah, blah. Would it have been better if they clubbed the dumb ass? Or just pulled out the 9m and shot him? They have no clue what the idiot is up too when he comes charging onto the field. I mean did he really think they would chase him like they did to Tanner in the "Bad News Bears in Breaking Training", and fans would start to scream "let them play, let them play?" My favorite part of the story is the kid called his dad and the father said "does not sound like a good idea to me." Yet the dumb kid did it anyway! Did he think he was in an episode of MTV's "Jackass"? This video is gold for all fathers of "knuckle head son's" and aren't all son's knuckle heads? (I should know) I have showed this video at least 10 times to both my boys and explained, "This is why you listen to your parents because we are ALWAYS RIGHT." (It is ok I had my fingers crossed)

Notes: Bret Michaels, gave us Something to Believe In! He is headed home after suffering a brain hemorrhage. I'm no doctor, hell I went to ODU for goodness sakes, but I'm just saying maybe just maybe wearing bandanas every day could be a problem or those cheesy cowboy hats? Just saying.
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