Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy 40th Anniversary Now Get Out

You gotta hand it to the Gore's they know how to celebrate a wedding anniversary.  I mean Divorce has now replaced the Ruby as the 40th anniversary gift (Ok before my guy friends say how would he know Ruby is for your 40th? I looked it up on line you know the thing Al Gore invented).  Al and Tipper (what kind of name is Tipper? Was she a Bad Tipper? It is actually a nickname) could become trendsetters for the new 40th anniversary gift....FREEDOM!  The odd thing is all the reports over the year's claimed the couple was living a "Fairy Tale" Marriage and yet here it ends.  Meanwhile...yes I'm going there... Bill and Hillary Clinton are still "together."  That's right the guy who got the Lewinsky in the Oral excuse me Oval Office is still with his wife, but his former Vice President the guy who appeared to be the one with the morals is splitting with the love of his life. 

Once again we should be reminded the moral to this story is no different than the Tiger Woods Story or "Wide Stance" Larry Craig Story.  Just because someone is portrayed one way publicly does not necessarily make it reality.  The oddest thing about this Gore split up is the way they are portraying Tipper as the fun one of the couple.  Wait a minute!  This is the same woman that wanted to censor all of my favorite "Hair Bands" back in the 80s.  You call that fun?  Which really speaks to how Big a Bore Al Gore must be. Divorce is sad, but let's assume the Gore's know what is best for the Gore's and not lose too much sleep over this thing.  I mean its not like they have a baby at home and are living paycheck to paycheck.  They just bought a damn mansion down the street from Oprah for goodness sakes! 

I am rarely surprised by the media and yes I'm sometimes one of them, but I am surprised this story has so many struggling for words.  I mean why is this separation so tragic?  Gore is no longer in office and to this point no sorrid tales of a third party or worse someone in the Tea Party (Tea Bagger...really great nickname).  The only way this becomes a tragic story is if we find out Al is living a double life like Tiger Woods or God forbid Tipper is on the now infamous Tiger list of conquests (not that big of stretch if you have seen the Perkins waitress Tiger took home on a few occassions).  I just hope this is not some John Edwards kind of story, where it turnes out a  former Gore aide is going to release a book and has possession of some sex tape or a love child OR worse Tipper in a sex tape with a former lead singer of a hair band.  I just don't think the American public could handle it.

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