ABC thought so little of the game they showed it tape delayed and for the kids reading, no there were no extra cable channels, hell there was no cable or dish for that matter. (Yes it was the dark ages. We even had to get up to turn the channel! No this was not the great depression.) There were lots of tape delayed events back in those days, which come to think of it 30 years later is similar to what NBC is doing now!

Back to why Team USA's win was so memorable especially for those of us growing up in Washington DC. There was a news anchor on the local ABC Channel 7 named Renee Poussaint. Anyway, as I said the game was shown tape delayed, so between peroids (game tied 3-3 after 2) they had local news teases and Renee blurts out something like U-S-A beats Soviets at 11pm!
The producer let her have it and she was very embarrassed. Sports guy, Tim Brandt (style), helped Renee by saying it was still very exciting to watch even knowing the result. She felt horrible and really never lived the moment down. No one could ever bring her name up without telling that story, but everyone in DC remembers Renee when they remember "Miracle On Ice." Hell she's a legend for it, kind of like the Mike Eruzione of local news anchors making a career off of one moment.
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