Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hostage Crisis Reaches Day 3 in NC

It amazes me how soft this generation of kids is in this great country of ours and  it pisses me off too.  What used to be considered parenting or coaching is now considered child abuse.  Vince Lombardi would have never had a Championship trophy named after him if he coached in this decade.  He was way too tough and clearly would have been run off.  Could you imagine if that sissy kid of Craig James played for Frank Kush or Woody Hayes? the kids like to say. 

I know it is called progress.  WE know more today than we did back then.  Bottled water, bike helmets, car seats until your 16, mouth pieces for PE, No PE, and extra sunscreen. 

Anyway, here's my point....I never walked up a hill 2 miles to school with no shoes, but I sure as hell went to school with a little snow on the sidewalks every once and a while. Even my kids are now saying being home  is a bore and why can't we go to school.  However, the school district is just covering their backsides in this sue everyone society we live in.  Now the kids get ready for Saturday school this weekend and a shortened Spring Break and guess who pays the price for those goofy schedules?  That's right the parents.  Isn't progress great? 

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