Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sex Addicts or BS Artists?

Former Mets GM and ESPN Baseball Analyst Steve Phillips did his public mea culpa on NBC's Today Show and played what is becoming the first card in the deck of public salvation these days, SEX ADDICT.  http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=4896683  
He was in the same treatment center in Mississippi that Tiger Woods has made famous. Before I spit in the face of these therapist that diagnose this disease, let me say this. Who really gives a crap about Steve "Freakin" Phillips?  I mean he did those obnoxious fake press conferences on ESPN and had no shot of ever running a baseball team again before this. So what's the upside for him?  Doing MLB TV?  (plus could you have picked a better looking woman to cheat with?)

Ok back to the big point here. For those of you that do not know my position on this let me make it real clear, I think most of these famous "sex addicts" are full of shit!  Ok I said it, I think they are liars that are only remorseful because they got publicly humilated usually by their wife or some crazy ex.  I'm not saying sex addiction does not exist however, it would not be more believable if it was not always some Hollywood actor, athlete, or politician that claims it after being busted?
Are they really sick or just sick?  For entertainment purposes only I will put money down on John Edwards  playing the card publicly before 2011.

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