Monday, February 1, 2010

Tebow Pro Choice But is He a Pro QB?

NFL teams could care less is Tim Tebow is pro life or pro choice.  What they do care about is whether or not he can actually play Quarterback in the NFL. If he threw the ball like Matt Ryan he could be the Devil himself and NFL GM's would draft him.  So far the evidence suggests he is no pro at least at Quarterback.  He makes Danny Wuerffel look like Dan Marino with his wobbly passes.  Everyone talks about his release point, but what about his velocity or lack there of?  Nothing he did or didn't do at the Senior Bowl should be shocking.   Struggled taking snaps from center, showed poor mechanics, and thanked God. 
On the College Gridiron Tebow could do it all and even circumsize babies in the off-season.  He was a model citizen, who one day may really lose it when he realizes all the fun and opportunity he missed in Gainesville.  He probably will never be a starting QB in the NFL.  Sure he could be a career backup, great locker room guy, leader, etc. Some sucker team like the Jaguars may even take him with an early pick to fire up their disinterested fan base or ego maniac Bill Belichick may take him just to prove a point.  And if all else fails he could always replace Pat Robertson on the 700 Club.

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